Male Bettas in the wild are short finned, so fins are not as reliable a way to tell the sex in bettas and is common belief.Here are a few ways to improve the accuracy of sexing your betta: While looking at the male betta head on, there is an extra flap of skin under his body. The extra skin is an extended flap of skin from the gills.
Again look head on, the males will have a much bolder head and fin structure.
While a little less accurate, a male will generally not have a white dot under his body, in between his ventricles. Females will have this white dot.
Taken together you can give a much more accurate assessment of your Bettas sex.See this article for more about Betta Habitat of which this knowledge may help in stimulating Betta Breeding behavior:Betta Wild HabitatGouramis;Cousins to the Betta, in which both have a labryinth organ, which allows them to breath air directly. Both also come from SE Asia.Many Males can be differentiated from females by the shape of the dorsal fin, which is long and pointed in males, compared to the females' shorter and more rounded dorsal fin.Females that are prepared for spawning will show a pronounced swelling in the breast area, while the male will be more slender in the breast area.In many Dwarf Gouramis, the males are much more colorful than the females (this is not usually true from my experience with other Gouramis such as blues).Please note that these are generalizations and do not apply to all Gouramis.
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