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Oops Concepts In C Interview Questions And Answers For Experienced Pdf Download [PORTABLE]


OOP Concepts in C# Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced PDF Download

If you are looking for a job as a C# developer, you need to be well-versed with the object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in C#. OOP is a paradigm that allows you to design and organize your code using classes and objects. It helps you to create reusable, maintainable, and modular software.

oops concepts in c interview questions and answers for experienced pdf download

In this article, we will cover some of the most common and important OOP concepts in C# interview questions and answers for experienced professionals. We will also provide you with a link to download a PDF version of this article for your convenience.

What is OOP?

OOP stands for object-oriented programming. It is a way of programming that focuses on creating objects that have data (attributes) and behavior (methods). Objects can interact with each other through messages or function calls.

OOP is based on four main principles: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. These principles help you to achieve some of the benefits of OOP, such as code reuse, modularity, security, and readability.

What are the benefits of OOP?

Some of the benefits of OOP are:

  • Code reuse: You can create classes that define common attributes and methods for a group of objects. You can then create instances of these classes or inherit from them to create new classes with more specific features. This way, you can avoid writing redundant code and save time and effort.

  • Modularity: You can divide your code into smaller and independent units called modules. Each module can have its own classes, objects, and functions. This makes your code easier to understand, test, debug, and maintain.

  • Security: You can use access modifiers (such as public, private, protected, internal, etc.) to control the visibility and accessibility of your classes, objects, and methods. This way, you can prevent unauthorized or unwanted access or modification of your data and functionality.

  • Readability: You can use meaningful names for your classes, objects, methods, and variables. You can also use comments and documentation to explain the purpose and functionality of your code. This makes your code more readable and understandable for yourself and others.

What are the main OOP concepts in C#?

The main OOP concepts in C# are:

  • Abstraction: It is the process of hiding the unnecessary details and exposing only the essential features of an entity or a system. It helps you to reduce complexity and focus on the relevant aspects.

  • Encapsulation: It is the process of wrapping the data and the methods that operate on them together in a single unit called an object. It helps you to protect the data from external access or manipulation and ensure data integrity. Inheritance: It is the process of creating new classes from existing ones by inheriting their attributes and methods. It helps you to achieve code reuse, extend functionality, and implement polymorphism.

  • Polymorphism: It is the ability of an object to take different forms or behaviors depending on the context. It helps you to create flexible and dynamic code that can handle different scenarios.


What is abstraction?

Abstraction is the process of hiding the unnecessary details and exposing only the essential features of an entity or a system. For example, when you use a smartphone, you don't need to know how it works internally, you only need to know how to use its interface and functions. Abstraction helps you to reduce complexity and focus on the relevant aspects.

How to implement abstraction in C#?

You can implement abstraction in C# using abstract classes and interfaces. An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated, but can have abstract methods and properties that must be overridden by its derived classes. An interface is a contract that defines a set of methods and properties that a class must implement. Both abstract classes and interfaces help you to define the common behavior and structure of a group of classes without providing the implementation details.

Give an example of abstraction in C#.

Here is an example of abstraction in C#. Suppose you want to create a program that can perform different types of calculations. You can create an abstract class called Calculator that defines an abstract method called Calculate that takes two numbers as parameters and returns a result. You can then create different subclasses of Calculator that override the Calculate method and provide different implementations for different types of calculations, such as Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. You can also create an interface called ICalculator that has the same method signature as the Calculate method in the Calculator class. You can then make all the subclasses of Calculator implement the ICalculator interface. This way, you can use the ICalculator interface as a reference type for any object that implements it, regardless of its actual type.

The following code snippet shows how to implement this example:

//An abstract class that defines an abstract method for calculation public abstract class Calculator public abstract double Calculate(double x, double y); //An interface that defines a contract for calculation public interface ICalculator double Calculate(double x, double y); //A subclass of Calculator that implements ICalculator and overrides the Calculate method for addition public class Addition : Calculator, ICalculator public override double Calculate(double x, double y) return x + y; //A subclass of Calculator that implements ICalculator and overrides the Calculate method for subtraction public class Subtraction : Calculator, ICalculator public override double Calculate(double x, double y) return x - y; //A subclass of Calculator that implements ICalculator and overrides the Calculate method for multiplication public class Multiplication : Calculator, ICalculator public override double Calculate(double x, double y) return x * y; //A subclass of Calculator that implements ICalculator and overrides the Calculate method for division public class Division : Calculator, ICalculator public override double Calculate(double x, double y) return x / y; //A test program that uses abstraction to perform different types of calculations class Program static void Main(string[] args) //Create an array of ICalculator objects ICalculator[] calculators = new ICalculator[4]; calculators[0] = new Addition(); calculators[1] = new Subtraction(); calculators[2] = new Multiplication(); calculators[3] = new Division(); //Use a loop to iterate through the array and perform calculations using polymorphism foreach (ICalculator calculator in calculators) Console.WriteLine("The result of 0 is 1", calculator.GetType().Name, calculator.Calculate(10, 5));

The output of this program is:

The result of Addition is 15 The result of Subtraction is 5 The result of Multiplication is 50 The result of Division is 2 Encapsulation

What is encapsulation?

Encapsulation is the process of wrapping the data and the methods that operate on them together in a single unit called an object. It helps you to protect the data from external access or manipulation and ensure data integrity. For example, when you use a bank account, you don't need to know how the balance is calculated or stored, you only need to know how to deposit or withdraw money using the methods provided by the bank account object. Encapsulation helps you to achieve security and modularity.

How to implement encapsulation in C#?

You can implement encapsulation in C# using classes and access modifiers. A class is a blueprint that defines the data and behavior of an object. You can use access modifiers (such as public, private, protected, internal, etc.) to control the visibility and accessibility of your class members (fields, properties, methods, etc.). By default, all class members are private, which means they can only be accessed within the same class. You can use public access modifier to make your class members accessible to any other class. You can also use protected access modifier to make your class members accessible only to the derived classes. You can also use internal access modifier to make your class members accessible only within the same assembly. You can also use properties to provide a way of accessing or modifying the fields of a class without exposing them directly.

Give an example of encapsulation in C#.

Here is an example of encapsulation in C#. Suppose you want to create a program that can manage the employees of a company. You can create a class called Employee that encapsulates the data and methods related to an employee. You can use private fields to store the employee's name, age, salary, and bonus. You can use public properties to provide getters and setters for these fields. You can also use a public method called GetTotalSalary to calculate and return the total salary of an employee, which is the sum of the salary and the bonus. You can also use a constructor to initialize the fields of an employee object when it is created.

The following code snippet shows how to implement this example:

//A class that encapsulates the data and behavior of an employee public class Employee //Private fields to store the employee's name, age, salary, and bonus private string name; private int age; private double salary; private double bonus; //Public properties to provide getters and setters for the fields public string Name get return name; set name = value; public int Age get return age; set age = value; public double Salary get return salary; set salary = value; public double Bonus get return bonus; set bonus = value; //A public method to calculate and return the total salary of an employee public double GetTotalSalary() return salary + bonus; //A constructor to initialize the fields of an employee object public Employee(string name, int age, double salary, double bonus) = name; this.age = age; this.salary = salary; this.bonus = bonus; //A test program that uses encapsulation to manage the employees of a company class Program static void Main(string[] args) //Create an array of Employee objects Employee[] employees = new Employee[3]; employees[0] = new Employee("Alice", 25, 5000, 1000); employees[1] = new Employee("Bob", 30, 6000, 1500); employees[2] = new Employee("Charlie", 35, 7000, 2000); //Use a loop to iterate through the array and display the details of each employee using properties and methods foreach (Employee employee in employees) Console.WriteLine("Name: 0", employee.Name); Console.WriteLine("Age: 0", employee.Age); Console.WriteLine("Salary: 0", employee.Salary); Console.WriteLine("Bonus: 0", employee.Bonus); Console.WriteLine("Total Salary: 0", employee.GetTotalSalary()); Console.WriteLine();

The output of this program is:

Name: Alice Age: 25 Salary: 5000 Bonus: 1000 Total Salary: 6000 Name: Bob Age: 30 Salary: 6000 Bonus: 1500 Total Salary: 7500 Name: Charlie Age: 35 Salary: 7000 Bonus: 2000 Total Salary: 9000


What is inheritance?

Inheritance is the process of creating new classes from existing ones by inheriting their attributes and methods. It helps you to achieve code reuse, extend functionality, and implement polymorphism. For example, when you create a class called Animal that defines the common attributes and methods for all animals, you can then create subclasses of Animal that inherit its attributes and methods and add more specific features, such as Dog, Cat, Bird, etc. Inheritance helps you to create a hierarchy of classes that share a common base.

How to implement inheritance in C#?

You can implement inheritance in C# using the colon (:) operator. The colon operator indicates that a class inherits from another class. The class that inherits from another class is called the derived class or the subclass. The class that is inherited by another class is called the base class or the superclass. A derived class can access the public and protected members of its base class, but not the private members. A derived class can also override the virtual or abstract methods of its base class to provide its own implementation.

Give an example of inheritance in C#.

Here is an example of inheritance in C#. Suppose you want to create a program that can manage the vehicles of a company. You can create a class called Vehicle that defines the common attributes and methods for all vehicles, such as model, color, speed, start, stop, etc. You can then create subclasses of Vehicle that inherit its attributes and methods and add more specific features, such as Car, Truck, Bus, etc. You can also use virtual and override keywords to define and modify the behavior of the start and stop methods for different types of vehicles.

The following code snippet shows how to implement this example:

//A class that defines the common attributes and methods for all vehicles public class Vehicle //Public fields to store the vehicle's model, color, and speed public string model; public string color; public int speed; //A constructor to initialize the fields of a vehicle object public Vehicle(string model, string color) this.model = model; this.color = color; this.speed = 0; //A virtual method to start the vehicle public virtual void Start() Console.WriteLine("The 0 1 is starting.", color, model); //A virtual method to stop the vehicle public virtual void Stop() Console.WriteLine("The 0 1 is stopping.", color, model); //A subclass of Vehicle that inherits its attributes and methods and adds more specific features for a car public class Car : Vehicle //A public field to store the car's number of doors public int doors; //A constructor to initialize the fields of a car object using the base keyword to invoke the base class constructor public Car(string model, string color, int doors) : base(model, color) this.doors = doors; //An override method to start the car with a different message public override void Start() Console.WriteLine("The 0 1 with 2 doors is starting.", color, model, doors); //An override method to stop the car with a different message public override void Stop() Console.WriteLine("The 0 1 with 2 doors is stopping.", color, model, doors); //A subclass of Vehicle that inherits its attributes and methods and adds more specific features for a truck public class Truck : Vehicle //A public field to store the truck's load capacity public double load; //A constructor to initialize the fields of a truck object using the base keyword to invoke the base class constructor public Truck(string model, string color, double load) : base(model, color) this.load = load; //An override method to start the truck with a different message public override void Start() Console.WriteLine("The 0 1 with 2 tons of load is starting.", color, model, load); //An override method to stop the truck with a different message public override void Stop() Console.WriteLine("The 0 1 with 2 tons of load is stopping.", color, model, load); //A subclass of Vehicle that inherits its attributes and methods and adds more specific features for a bus public class Bus : Vehicle //A public field to store the bus's number of seats public int seats; //A constructor to initialize the fields of a bus object using the base keyword to invoke the base class constructor public Bus(string model, string color, int seats) : base(model, color) this.seats = seats; //An override method to start the bus with a different message public override void Start() Console.WriteLine("The 0 1 with 2 seats is starting.", color, model, seats); //An override method to stop the bus with a different message public override void Stop() Console.WriteLine("The 0 1 with 2 seats is stopping.", color, model, seats); //A test program that uses inheritance to manage the vehicles of a company class Program static void Main(string[] args) //Create an array of Vehicle objects Vehicle[] vehicles = new Vehicle[3]; vehicles[0] = new Car("Honda", "Red", 4); vehicles[1] = new Truck("Ford", "Blue", 10); vehicles[2] = new Bus("Volvo", "Yellow", 40); //Use a loop to iterate through the array and display the details of each vehicle using properties and methods foreach (Vehicle vehicle in vehicles) Console.WriteLine("Model: 0", vehicle.model); Console.WriteLine("Color: 0", vehicle.color); Console.WriteLine("Speed: 0", vehicle.speed); vehicle.Start(); vehicle.Stop(); Console.WriteLine();

The output of this program is:

Model: Honda Color: Red Speed: 0 The Red Honda with 4 doors is starting. The Red Honda with 4 doors is stopping. Model: Ford Color: Blue Speed: 0 The Blue Ford with 10 tons of load is starting. The Blue Ford with 10 tons of load is stopping. Model: Volvo Color: Yellow Speed: 0 The Yellow Volvo with 40 seats is starting. The Yellow Volvo with 40 seats is stopping.


What is polymorphism?

Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take different forms or behaviors depending on the context. It helps you to create flexible and dynamic code that can handle different scenarios. For example, when you use a method called Print on different types of objects, such as String, Integer, or Date, you can get different outputs depending on the type of the object. Polymorphism helps you to achieve modularity and readability.

How to implement polymorphism in C#?

You can implement polymorphism in C# using inheritance and method overriding. Inheritance allows you to create subclasses that inherit the attributes and methods of their base classes. Method overriding allows you to modify or replace the behavior of a method in a derived class. By using inheritance and method overriding, you can create objects that have different implementations of the same method. You can also use abstract classes and interfaces to define abstract or contract methods that must be implemented by their subclasses or implementers. This way, you can use polymorphism to achieve abstraction and encapsulation.

Give an example of polymorphism in C#.

Here is an example of polymorphism in C#. Suppose you want to create a program that can draw different shapes on a screen. You can create an abstract class called Shape that defines an abstract method called Draw that takes a Graphics object as a parameter. You can then create different subclasses of Shape that override the Draw method and provide different implementations for drawing different shapes, such as Circle, Rectangle, Triangle, etc. You can also create an interface called IShape that has the same method signature as the Draw method in the Shape class. You can then make all the subclasses of Shape implement the IShape interface. This way, you can use the IShape interface as a reference type for any object that implements it, regardless of its actual type.

The following code snippet shows how to implement this example:

//An abstract class that defines an abstract method for drawing a shape public abstract class Shape public abstract void Draw(Graphics g); //An interface that defines a contract for drawing a shape public interface IShape void Draw(Graphics g); //A subclass of Shape that implements IShape and overrides the Draw method for drawing a circle public class Circle : Shape, IShape //A public field to store the circle's radius public int radius; //A constructor to initialize the field of a circle object public Circle(int radius) this.radius = radius; //An override method to draw a circle using the Graphics object public override void Draw(Graphics g) //Use a pen with black color and 2 pixels width Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 2); //Use the DrawEllipse method to draw a circle with the given radius g.DrawEllipse(pen, 0, 0, radius * 2, radius * 2); //A subclass of Shape that implements IShape and overrides the Draw method for drawing a rectangle public class Rectangle : Shape, IShape //Public fields to store the rectangle's width and height public int width; public int height; //A constructor to initialize the fields of a rectangle object public Rectangle(int width, int height) this.width = width; this.height = height; //An override method to draw a rectangle using the Graphics object public override void Draw(Graphics g) //Use a pen with red color and 2 pixels width Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2); //Use the DrawRectangle method to draw a rectangle with the given width and height g.DrawRectangle(pen, 0, 0, width, height); //A subclass of Shape that implements IShape and overrides the Draw method for drawing a triangle public class Triangle : Shape, IShape //Public fields to store the triangle's base and height public int base; public int height; //A constructor to initialize the fields of a triangle object public Triangle(int base, int height) this.base = base; this.height = height; //An override method to draw a triangle using the Graphics object public override void Draw(Graphics g) //Use a pen with green color and 2 pixels width Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Green, 2); //Use the DrawLine method to draw three lines that form a triangle with the given base and height g.DrawLine(pen, 0, height, base / 2, 0); g.DrawLine(pen, base / 2, 0, base, height); g.DrawLine(pen, base, height, 0, height); //A test program that uses polymorphism to draw different shapes on a screen class Program static void Main(string[] args) //Create an array of IShape objects IShape[] shapes = new IShape[3]; shapes[0] = new Circle(50); shapes[1] = new Rectangle(100, 50); shapes[2] = new Triangle(100, 80); //Create a bitmap object to draw on Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(200, 200); //Create a graphics object from the bitmap object Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); //Use a loop to iterate through the array and draw each shape using polymorphism foreach (IShape shape in shapes) shape.Draw(graphics); //Save the bitmap object as an image file with the name of the shape bitmap.Save(shape.GetType().Name + ".png", ImageFormat.Png); //Clear the graphics object for the next shape graphics.Clear(Color.White);

The output of this program is three image files: Circle.png, Rectangle.png, and Triangle.png. Here are how they look like:


In this article, we have covered some of the most common and important OOP concepts in C# interview questions and answers for experienced professionals. We have explained what OOP is, what are its benefits, and what are its main principles. We have also shown how to implement abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism in C# using examples. We hope that this article has helped you to prepare for your next C# interview.

If you want to download a PDF version of this article for your convenience, you can click on this link: .


Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers related to OOP concepts in C#:

What is the difference between abstract class and interface in C#?

An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated, but can have abstract methods and properties that must be overridden by its derived classes. An interface is a contract that defines a set of methods and properties that a class must implement. Some of the differences between abstract class and interface in C# are:

  • An abstract class can have both abstract and non-abstract members, while an interface can only have abstract members.

  • An abstract class can have constructors, fields, and access modifiers, while an interface cannot have any of them.

  • An abstract class can inherit from another class or implement multiple interfaces, while an interface can only inherit from another interface.

  • A class can inherit from only one abstract class, but can implement multiple interfaces.

What is the difference between static and dynamic polymorphism in C#?

Static polymorphism is also known as compile-time polymorphism or method overloading. It is the process of creating multiple methods with the same name but different parameters or signatures in the same class or scope. The compiler determines which method to invoke based on the number or type of arguments passed at compile time.

Dynamic polymorphism is also known as run-time polymorphism or method overriding. It is the process of modifying or replacing the behavior of a method in a derived class that has the same name and signature as a method in its base class. The compiler determines which method to invoke based on the type of object that calls it at run time.

What is the difference between virtual and abstract methods in C#?

A virtual method is a method that can be overridden by a derived class to provide its own implementation. A virtual method has a default implementation in its base class that can be invoked using the base keyword. A virtual method must have a body and cannot be abstract or static.

An abstract method is a method that has no implementation and must be overridden by a derived class to provide its own implementation. An abstract method can only be declared in an abstract class or an interface. An abstract method has no body and must be abstract and virtual.

What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding in C#?

Method overloading is the process of creating multiple methods with the same name but different parameters or signatures in the same class or scope. Method overloading is a form of static polymorphism that allows you to create different versions of a method that can perform different tasks based on the arguments passed.

Method overriding is the process of modifying or replacing the behavior of a method in a derived class that has the same name and signature as a method in its base class. Method overriding is a form of dynamic polymorphism that allows you to create objects that have different implementations of the same method based on their types.

What is the difference between class and object in C#?

A class is a blueprint that defines the data and behavior of an object. A class can have fields, properties, methods, constructors, destructors, events, delegates, etc. A class can also inherit from another class or implement an interface.

An object is an instance of a class that occupies memory and has a state and behavior. An object can have values for its fields and properties, and can invoke its methods. An object can also be assigned to a variable or passed as an argument to a method.


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