LiveJasmin is an adult live video chat site, where Members and visitors meet Models from around the world. The Models broadcast video feed live from their home or studio, and interact with visitors in public or private rooms through video, voice, chat and messages. LiveJasmin offers a wide variety of Models. To find one who fits a certain taste or preference, Members may use a search bar on the top of any page. Models are available based on appearance, age, spoken language, specialties, video quality and on many other specifications by typing in simple key words. Once a Member finds a favorite, the Model can be added to a personal Favorite list and saved for next time.
Yes. You can get your first taste of LiveJasmin without even opening a member account. You can browse live video streams and tons of photo and video content by models. To create your own username and save your favorites you can create a member account - also for free. To get more intimate with a model - in a private show for example - you will need credits. You can purchase a credit package or try our free 9.99 Credits offer for simply validating your credit card.
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